Dj Pacos Admin
Mensajes : 169 Puntos : 294 Reputación : 56 Fecha de inscripción : 01/05/2011 Edad : 31
| Tema: [ACTION] Slot System Lun Mayo 02, 2011 9:39 pm | |
| Este script trata de que puedas abrir un slot para poder colocarle un Upgrade, de preferencia con el Item Upgrade System. 1. Primero agrega esto en actions.xml : - Código:
<action itemid="8300" event="script" value="slot.lua"/>
2. Ahora crea " slot.lua" en actions/script/slot.lua y copia esto : - Código:
---Config local conf = { maxSlotCount=2, ignoredIds={} } --End function choose(...) --- Function by mock. local arg = {...} return arg[math.random(1,#arg)] end if not getItemAttack then function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid,'attack') end function getItemDefense(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid,'defense') end end local function isArmor(uid) -- Function by Mock the bear. if (getItemInfo(uid.itemid).armor ~= 0) and (getItemWeaponType(uid.uid) == 0) then return true end return false end local function isWeapon(uid) -- Function by Mock the bear. uid = uid or 0 local f = getItemWeaponType(uid) if f == 1 or f == 2 or f == 3 then return true end return false end local function isShield(uid) -- Function by Mock the bear. uid = uid or 0 if getItemWeaponType(uid) == 4 then return true end return false end local function isBow(uid) -- Function by Mock the bear. uid = uid or 0 if getItemWeaponType(uid) == 5 and not isItemStackable(uid) then return true end return false end function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) -- Script by mock the bear (MTB) if item.uid == 0 or item.itemid == 0 then return false end toPosition.stackpos = 255 if item.uid == 0 or item.itemid == 0 then return false end toPosition.stackpos = 255 if isInArray(conf.ignoredIds, itemEx.itemid) or (not getItemWeaponType(itemEx.uid) or getItemWeaponType(itemEx.uid) > 5) or (getItemWeaponType(itemEx.uid) == 0 and not isArmor(itemEx)) or itemEx.itemid == 0 or itemEx.type > 1 or isItemStackable(itemEx.uid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 24,"You cant open a slot on this item.") return TRUE end if isCreature(itemEx.uid) then return FALSE end local nam = getItemName(itemEx.uid) function getper() local n = 1 for i=1,10 do n = n+math.random(0,10) if n < 8*i then break end end return n end function getSlotCount(nam) local c = 0 for _ in nam:gmatch('%[(.-)%]') do c = c+1 end return c end if getSlotCount(nam) < conf.maxSlotCount then local l = choose('hp','mp','ml','cas','shield','dist') local p = getper() doSendMagicEffect(toPosition,30) nam = nam..' ['..l..'.+'..p..'%]' doSendAnimatedText(toPosition,l..' '..p..'%',120) doItemSetAttribute(itemEx.uid,'name',nam) doRemoveItem(item.uid,1) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 24,"You cant open a slot on this item.") end return true end
3. Ahora copia esta linea en creaturescripts.xml - Código:
<event type="login" name="SlotLogin" script="slot.lua"/>
4. Para terminar crea " slot.lua" en creaturescripts/script/slot.lua y copiale lo siguiente : - Código:
local conditionMP,conditionHP,conditionML,conditionCLUB,conditionSHI,conditionDIST,conditionAMP = {},{},{},{},{},{},{} for i=1,100 do ---Carrega as conditions --- HP conditionHP[i] = createConditionObject(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES) setConditionParam(conditionHP[i], CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) setConditionParam(conditionHP[i], CONDITION_PARAM_STAT_MAXHEALTHPERCENT, 100+i) setConditionParam(conditionHP[i], CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF, true) setConditionParam(conditionHP[i], CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 50) --MANA conditionMP[i] = createConditionObject(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES) setConditionParam(conditionMP[i], CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) setConditionParam(conditionMP[i], CONDITION_PARAM_STAT_MAXMANAPERCENT, 100+i) setConditionParam(conditionMP[i], CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF, true) setConditionParam(conditionMP[i], CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 51) --Magic level conditionML[i] = createConditionObject(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES) setConditionParam(conditionML[i], CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) setConditionParam(conditionML[i], CONDITION_PARAM_STAT_MAGICLEVELPERCENT, 100+i) setConditionParam(conditionML[i], CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF, true) setConditionParam(conditionML[i], CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 52) --club axe sword conditionCLUB[i] = createConditionObject(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES) setConditionParam(conditionCLUB[i], CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) setConditionParam(conditionCLUB[i], CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_CLUBPERCENT, 100+i) setConditionParam(conditionCLUB[i], CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_SWORDPERCENT, 100+i) setConditionParam(conditionCLUB[i], CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_AXEPERCENT, 100+i) setConditionParam(conditionCLUB[i], CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF, true) setConditionParam(conditionCLUB[i], CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 53) --- shield conditionSHI[i] = createConditionObject(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES) setConditionParam(conditionSHI[i], CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) setConditionParam(conditionSHI[i], CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_SHIELDPERCENT, 100+i) setConditionParam(conditionSHI[i], CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF, true) setConditionParam(conditionSHI[i], CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 54) --- dist conditionDIST[i] = createConditionObject(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES) setConditionParam(conditionDIST[i], CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) setConditionParam(conditionDIST[i], CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_DISTANCEPERCENT, 100+i) setConditionParam(conditionDIST[i], CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF, true) setConditionParam(conditionDIST[i], CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 55) end function getSlotType(n) --By mock the bear if not n then return false end if n:match('%[(.+)%]') then n = n:match('%[(.+)%]') if n == '?' then return 0,n else return n:match('(.-)%.([+-])(%d+)%%') end else return false end end local function loadSet(cid) local t = {} for slot=1,9 do t[slot] = '' local s = getPlayerSlotItem(cid,slot).uid if s ~= 0 then t[slot] = getItemName(s) end end return t end function isInArray2(arr,var) -- Because in some servers it return 1 and 0 and others true and false for i,b in pairs(arr) do if var == b then return true end end return false end function check2(cid,i) if i == 5 or i == 6 then if isInArray({'head','necklace','backpack','body','legs','feet' ,'ring'},getItemValue(getPlayerSlotItem(cid,i).itemid,'slotType') or '') then return false end end return true end function chk(cid,f) if not isPlayer(cid) then return end local t = loadSet(cid) for i=1,#f do if f[i] ~= t[i] then equip(cid,nil,slot) break end end addEvent(chk,2000,cid,t) end items = { ---- Only to get attr: slotType because getItemName dont return it -.-' _VERSION='1.0 By mock', XML_DIR='data/items/items.xml', } do local ia = os.clock() io.write('Loading items') local i =,'r') local u = i:read(-1) i:close() local u = u:match('<items>(.+)</items>') for mi,id,mid,name,data,me in u:gmatch('<(%a-)%s*id%s*=%s*"(%d+)"%s*(.-)%s*name%s*=%s*"(.-)"%s*>(.-)< /(%a*)>') do if mi == 'item' and me == 'item' then local td = {name=name,id=id,type=1} for key,value in data:gmatch('<attribute key="(.-)" value="(.-)"/>') do td[key] = value end for key,value in mid:gmatch('(.-)="(.-)"') do td[key] = value end items[tonumber(id)] = td items[name] = td end end for mi,id,mid,name,data in u:gmatch('<(%a-)%s*id%s*=%s*"(%d*)"%s*(.-)%s*name%s*=%s*"(%a+)"%s*/>' ) do if mi == 'item' then local td = {name=name,id=id,type=2} for key,value in mid:gmatch('(.-)="(.-)"') do td[key] = value end items[tonumber(id)] = td items[name] = td end end io.write('[done '..os.clock()-ia..']\n') end function getItemValue(item,value) return items[item] and items[item][value] end function equip(cid,item,slot) --By mock the bear local HP = getCreatureHealth(cid) local MP = getCreatureMana(cid) local t = {} if item then local mm,sinal,qto = getSlotType(getItemName(item.uid)) t[mm] = tonumber(qto) end for i=1,9 do -- Not on slot 10 > arrow if i ~= slot then if getPlayerSlotItem(cid,i).itemid ~= 0 then local aab = getPlayerSlotItem(cid,i).uid if aab and check2(cid,i) then for _ in getItemName(aab):gmatch('(%[.-%])') do local mm,sinal,qto2 = getSlotType(_) if mm then if not t[mm] then t[mm] = 0 end t[mm] = t[mm]+tonumber(qto2) t[mm] = t[mm] > 100 and 100 or t[mm] end end end end end end local fu = 0 local ca = {} local s = '' for sl,n in pairs(t) do fu = fu+1 s = s..''..n..'% more of ''\n' if sl == 'hp' then doAddCondition(cid,conditionHP[tonumber(n)]) doCreatureAddHealth(cid,HP-getCreatureHealth(cid)) ca[50] = 1 doPlayerSendTutorial(cid,19) elseif sl == 'mp' then doAddCondition(cid,conditionMP[tonumber(n)]) doCreatureAddMana(cid,HP-getCreatureMana(cid)) ca[51] = 1 doPlayerSendTutorial(cid,19) elseif sl == 'ml' then doAddCondition(cid,conditionML[tonumber(n)]) ca[52] = 1 elseif sl == 'cas' then doAddCondition(cid,conditionCLUB[tonumber(n)]) ca[53] = 1 elseif sl == 'shield' then doAddCondition(cid,conditionSHI[tonumber(n)]) ca[54] = 1 elseif sl == 'dist' then doAddCondition(cid,conditionDIST[tonumber(n)]) ca[55] = 1 end end if fu > 0 then addEvent(doPlayerSendTextMessage,100,cid,24,'You have:\n'..s) for i=50,55 do if not ca[i] then doRemoveCondition(cid,CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES,i) end end else for i=50,55 do doRemoveCondition(cid,CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES,i) end end return true end function onLogin(cid) ---Script by mock the bear! equip(cid,nil,slot) addEvent(chk,2000,cid,loadSet(cid)) -- Here we check! return TRUE end
Eso seria todo! Espero que les sirva Creditos : 100% Mock | |